Piligrim XXI Apps

Cruiser Aurora
Piligrim XXI
The Cruiser Aurora is the Augmented RealityMobile App which helps you to travel through time to 1917.You could also shoot from battery of naval guns.Aurora is a 1900 Russian protected cruiser, currently preserved asa museum ship in St. Petersburg. Aurora was built in St. Petersburgfor service in the Pacific Far East. One of the first incidents,the naval-cannons shot, known as the signal to the Great OctoberRevolution in Russia took place on the cruiser Aurora
The Fortress of Bastille(Free) 1.2
Piligrim XXI
Here is what you get by downloading the app"Bastille":- An unforgettable 3D time traveling experience;- See the legendary fortress in real time right on the Place de LaBastille, as if it was still there;- Close look of the fortress from different sides and angles;- Cross its heavy stoned wall and visit its inner courtyard;- Enjoy the built-in audioguide and discover amazing historicalfacts about the Bastille;- Take pictures and SELFIES with the fortress, destroyed more than200 years ago! And impress your friends! (in a Full version);- And finally, destroy the Bastille fortress, again, for thefreedom of France!Available very soon:- share photos with your friends directly from the app (in a Fullversion);Check for updates!* To use the application, you must be in the appropriategeographic location.* For the correct functioning of the application, your deviceshould have a gyroscope.* Internet connection is not required to use the application!
Old Nesebar VR 1.8
Piligrim XXI
An incredible adventure in virtual reality!
Fortress of Bastille - VR Tour 2.0
Piligrim XXI
Here is what you get by downloading theapp"Bastille":- An unforgettable 3D time traveling experience;- See the legendary fortress in real time right on the Place deLaBastille, as if it was still there;- Close look of the fortress from different sides and angles;- Cross its heavy stoned wall and visit its inner courtyard;- Enjoy the built-in audioguide and discover amazinghistoricalfacts about the Bastille;- Take pictures and SELFIES with the fortress, destroyed morethan200 years ago! And impress your friends!;- And finally, destroy the Bastille fortress, again, for thefreedomof France!Available very soon:- share photos with your friends directly from the app;- SELFIES;Check for updates!* To use the application, you must be in theappropriategeographic location.* For the correct functioning of the application, your deviceshouldhave a gyroscope.* Internet connection is not required to use the application!
Cruiser Aurora 1.5
Piligrim XXI
The Cruiser Aurora is the AugmentedRealityMobile App which helps you to travel through time to1917.You could also shoot from battery of naval guns.Aurora is a 1900 Russian protected cruiser, currently preserved asamuseum ship in St. Petersburg. Aurora was built in St.Petersburgfor service in the Pacific Far East. One of the firstincidents,the naval-cannons shot, known as the signal to the GreatOctoberRevolution in Russia took place on the cruiser Aurora
My Sweet Angel Eva - AR 1.2
Piligrim XXI
My sweet angel Eva App - Give your baby themost wonderful dreams!Your little sweetheart doesn’t feel like going to bed? Fear ofdarkness? Monsters under her bed? Just download My sweet angel EvaApp and your baby will have her own beautiful guardian Angel.Eva lives in a fluffy cloud, and in the evenings flies aroundyour child’s bedroom. Your child can fully interact with Eva. Findher in the room and you can start playing: You can tickle her, makeher come to your hand or on your pillow, play with her magic wandand fill the room with butterflies…Everything you need for guaranteed sweet dreams!Eva also loves to travel, have fun, and most of all, bephotographed with her little protegee. So bring her with you andinteract in any place!
Мой милый ангел Ева - Пазл АР 1.0.12
Piligrim XXI
Увлекательную сборку пазла дополнитприложение"Мой милый ангел Ева". Просто наведи камеру и увидишьмилого ангелав дополненной реальности!Скачайте приложение «Ангел Ева» и у вашего ребенка появитсясвойангел-хранитель сна.Ева живет на пушистом облаке, а вечерами порхает по вашейдетской.Волшебной пыльцой она отгоняет все ночные кошмары!Комнатузаполняют разноцветные бабочки и нежный перезвонколокольчиков, иваш малыш засыпает крепким сном под защитоймаленькогоангела.Приложение Ангел Ева – это ожившая сказка для вашего ребенка.А еще Еву можно взять с собой на прогулку. Она оченьлюбитпутешествовать и веселиться, но особенно ейнравитсяфотографироваться со своими маленькими друзьями.A challenging assemblethepuzzle will add the application "My dear angel Eve." Just pointthecamera and see a cute angel in Augmented Reality!Download the app "Eve Angel" and your child will sleepyourguardian angel.Eva lives in a fluffy cloud, and in the evenings flits throughyourchild. Magic pollen it drives away all nightmares! The roomisfilled with colorful butterflies and gentle chime of bells,andyour baby sleep soundly under the protection of thelittleangel.Appendix Angel Eve - it's a fairy tale come to life foryourchild.And Eve, you can take a walk. She loves to travel and have fun,butespecially she likes to be photographed with theiryoungfriends.
Дорога Жизни 1.5.205
Piligrim XXI
Reconstruction of WWII events in augmented reality.
Piligrim XXI
Aurum Quest - VR 1.0
Piligrim XXI
This is an exciting adventure, where you will have the chancetosave the world on the eve of the new 2517!
Postcardkrastsvetmet - AR 1.1
Piligrim XXI
The postcard you are holding is alive. To see thecongratulationsscan qr-code, download the app, start it up andpoint the camera ofyour smartphone at the postcard.
ICONIC Virtual Gallery - VR 1.0
Piligrim XXI
Welcome to the virtual gallery!
Narva Battle AR/VR - Simulato 1.5
Piligrim XXI
The great battle of two empires from east and west access now invirtual reality
Way2WowHD 1.2
Piligrim XXI
Appendix Way2WowHD
Плавильные печи 1.1
Piligrim XXI
Приложение позволяет детально рассмотреть модели плавильныхпечей,используемых в плавильных цехах. Получить информацию поосновнымузлам и агрегатам, узнать об особенностях использованиякаждойпечи. Приложение ориентировано на посетителей музеяКрасноярскогоЗавода Цветных Металлов.
AR Metaverse - Arcona 5.7.0
Piligrim XXI
Arcona X-Reality Metaverse merges real and virtual worlds all overthe globe
Ludza Castle of Livonian Order 0.9
Piligrim XXI
Time travel in the Livonian Order Castle, which was destroyed inthe middle of the XVII century
Money Battle - AR 2.914
Piligrim XXI
Do you want to check how strong is your nation currency?